Hexenhammer (Malleus Maleficarum) the witch hunters handbook
Guide for the persecution and sentencing of witches
The Witch's Hammer (Malleus Maleficarum) is a notorious 15th-century work that contributed to the persecution of witches and their followers.
It served as a practical guide for identifying, pursuing, and convicting witches and was intended to be the basis for witch persecution in Europe.
Video: The MOST EVIL Book In The World: Malleus Maleficarum
Origins and authors of the Witch's Hammer
The Witch's Hammer was written in 1486 by Dominican monks Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger. Both were inquisitors and tasked with combating the spread of witchcraft and heresy. The book was intended to serve as a guide for the identification, pursuit, and punishment of witches.
Heinrich Kramer
Heinrich Kramer was a German theologian and inquisitor. He was one of the main authors of the Witch's Hammer and had a significant influence on the spread of witch persecution in Europe.
Jacob Sprenger
Jacob Sprenger was another Dominican monk and theologian who participated in the creation of the Witch's Hammer. Although his involvement in the work is partly disputed, he still contributed to the dissemination of the book's ideas.
Content and impact of the Witch's Hammer
The Witch's Hammer is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the theoretical foundations of witchcraft, such as the nature of witches and their pact with the devil. The second part is devoted to the practices of witches, their rituals, and their abilities to cause harm. The third and final part describes the legal proceedings for the persecution of witches, including the charges, evidence, and punishment.
First Part - Theoretical Foundations of the Witch's Hammer
In the first part of the Witch's Hammer, the theoretical foundations of witchcraft are discussed. The definition of witchcraft is explained, describing it as a type of magic that involves both supernatural powers and a pact with the devil.
Distinction between magic and witchcraft
The Witch's Hammer differentiates between various types of magic and separates witchcraft from other practices. In particular, "black magic" is considered malicious and harmful, while "white magic" is seen as neutral or even useful.
Witchcraft and the devil's pact
A central element of witchcraft teachings in the Witch's Hammer is the pact with the devil. Witches are portrayed as individuals who have dedicated their souls to the devil in exchange for supernatural powers. This pact is at the heart of the theoretical foundations of the work.
Origins and sources of witchcraft teachings
The first part of the Witch's Hammer refers to various sources to justify witchcraft teachings. Biblical texts, ecclesiastical writings, and popular traditions are used to explain the existence of witches and their connection to the devil.
The role of God and the Church
In the theoretical foundations of the Witch's Hammer, the role of God and the Church in relation to witchcraft is addressed. God is seen as the highest power that decides the fate of witches. The Church is considered an earthly institution that implements the divine will concerning the fight against witchcraft.
Witches and their abilities
The first part of the Witch's Hammer also deals with the alleged abilities of witches. These include influencing weather and natural events, causing diseases, and the ability to change shape or fly. These abilities are interpreted as a result of the devil's pact.
First Part - Theoretical Foundations of the Witch's Hammer
In the first part of the Witch's Hammer, the theoretical foundations of witchcraft and witch-hunting are laid out. The authors examine the nature of witchcraft, the role of the devil, the sources of witchcraft teachings, and the associated abilities and practices.
Second Part - Practical Aspects of Witch-Hunting in the Witch's Hammer
Identification of Witches
In the second part of the Witch's Hammer, the focus is on identifying witches. Various signs and characteristics are described that may indicate a possible witch, such as unexplained illnesses, crop failures, or the behavior of the suspect.
Interrogation and Confessions
The Witch's Hammer places particular emphasis on the interrogation of witch suspects. Detailed interrogation techniques and questions are presented to obtain confessions and bring the truth about the alleged witchcraft to light.
Use of Torture
In the second part of the Witch's Hammer, the use of torture as a means of obtaining confessions is also addressed. Various torture methods are described, and their application in the context of witch trials is discussed.
Role of Witnesses and Denunciation
The Witch's Hammer emphasizes the importance of witness testimony and denunciation in the persecution of witches. The role of neighbors, relatives, and acquaintances as potential witnesses is discussed, as well as dealing with false statements and miscarriages of justice.
Legal Foundations of Witch Trials
The second part of the Witch's Hammer also examines the legal aspects of witch-hunting. It covers ecclesiastical and secular legal provisions that formed the basis for conducting witch trials.
Execution and Punishments
Finally, the second part of the Witch's Hammer addresses the various punishments that awaited witches after a successful trial. These include execution methods such as burning, drowning, or beheading, as well as the confiscation of possessions and the ostracism of family members.
Second Part - Practical Aspects of Witch-Hunting in the Witch's Hammer
The second part of the Witch's Hammer focuses on the identification of witches, interrogation and torture methods for obtaining confessions, and the role of witnesses and denunciation. In addition, it deals with the legal foundations of witch trials and the various punishments that threatened convicted witches, including execution and confiscation of property.
Third Part - The legal aspects and procedures in the persecution of witches.
The third part of the Witch's Hammer deals extensively with the legal aspects and procedures in the persecution of witches. Here are the main points and sub-points of this part:
Detection and arrest of witches
- Collection of evidence and witness testimony
- Use of spies and informants
- Arrest of suspects and confiscation of possessions
Interrogation and coercion of confessions
- Use of torture as the primary means of extracting confessions
- Examination of physical features that can be interpreted as witch marks
- Review of relationships with other known or suspected witches
Charges and evidence presentation
- Formulation of charges based on confessions and witness testimonies
- Review of alleged harmful spells and devil's pact
- Evaluation of evidence and witness testimony in court
Verdict and sentence determination
- Decision on guilt or innocence of the accused b. Determination of appropriate punishment, including execution, exile, or penance
- Execution of punishments and public announcement of results
Role of the church and secular authorities
- Collaboration between the church and secular courts in the persecution of witches
- Guidance of inquisitors in the conduct of witch trials
- Handling cases of false accusations and abuse of witch hunts
Third Part - The legal aspects and procedures in the persecution of witches.
The third part of the Witch's Hammer thus provides a detailed insight into the practice of witch-hunting at the time and gives instructions for the various phases of a witch trial.
Spread and Influence of the Witch's Hammer on Witch Persecution
The Witch's Hammer had an immense influence on witch persecution in Europe. The book was translated into several languages and served as a guideline for inquisitors, judges, and clergy who dealt with witchcraft. It promoted the spread of witch trials and contributed to the legitimization of torture and cruel punishments.